 Two IAS officers were dismissed and nine from IPS suspended on corruption charges in the last five years, Union Minister Jitendra Singh saidon Wednesday.

*During last five years, i.e., May 2014 to May 2019, sanction for prosecution under Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988, was granted against 23 officers of Indian Administrative Service (IAS) and four from Indian Police Service (IPS), he said.*

After obtaining sanction of the central government, the state government or investigating agency files the charge-sheets to *prosecute the accused IAS / IPS officer before the court of law, the minister said in a written reply to Lok Sabha.*

Recoveries are made from the officers in accordance with the decision of the court of law, said *Singh, Minister* of State for Personnel

*During last five years, two officers of Indian Administrative Service have been dismissed on corruption charges, and nine officers of Indian Police Service have been suspended,” he said.In another reply, Singh said 43,946 complaints were received by the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) during the calendar years 2018 and 2019 (till May 31, 2019).Of these, 41,755 complaints were disposed of, he said.*

The action taken on these complaints included filing of 14,903 anonymous/ pseudonymous/vague/unverified *complaints,forwarding of 26,463* complaints to the appropriate authorities with jurisdiction, and sending 389 complaints for inquiry to Chief Vigilance Officers (CVOs) or *Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), the minister said.*
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